Re-Writing Our Stories through Digital Storytelling***
Relational, Appreciative and Process-oriented Digital Storytelling
Systems Thinking, Reflective Writing, Resiliense 
Ομάδες μάθησης και κοινότητες έρευνας: Αναζητώντας το μοτίβο που συνδέει.
Ένα βιωματικό σεμινάριο για τον οργανισμό που μαθαίνει & την κοινότητα που διερευνά, καταγράφει, τεκμηριώνει & επικοινωνεί τη δράση της, είναι το θέμα της δεύτερης επιμορφωτικής δράσης της κοινότητας του ΑΚΜΑ.

Therapist Panoptes movie is based on a fictional vignete published here

Teaching Portfolio
My teaching practice and my research approach are based on Systems theory and on complex systems epistemology (Second-order cybernetics). My aim is to facilitate the development of learning organizations with emergent properties. I have substantial expertise in creating participatory, distributed and sustainable collaborative/connected learning environments by blending face-to-face group work with open-web technologies (WordPress blogs, RSS, web 2.0 tools) and reflective narative practice. Illustrative examples of this approach in teaching can be found through my publications' page and below.
Systems Theory, Psychology & Social Media

iCounseling (2017) - School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (ASPETE)

CyberMethods (2016) - Department of Psychology (Panteion University)

Hub2001 (2016) - Department of Psychology (Panteion University)

eduAppreciative (2016) - School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (ASPETE)

eduMethodology (2016) - School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (ASPETE)

b4Project (2015) - Secondary Education

Stop Bullying (2015) - Secondary Education

Hub6301 (2015) - Department of Psychology (Panteion University) (2014) - Secondary Education


More traditional e-Learning and blended learning sites:
Internet Culture, SocioPsychological approach (Eliademy) (2015, Panteion University)
A blended learning cource based on the principles of Experiential Learning: Research Methods in Cyberspace (Eliademy) (2014, Panteion University) (2013, Panteion University)
Κυβερνοπολιτική και Δυνητικές
Η Κουλτούρα του Διαδικτύου
GrPsychoNet (2012, Panteion University)
PoliticalSociology (2011, Panteion University)
PsyEpistimology (2010, University of Crete)
CulturalPsychology (2010, University of Crete)
Moodle LMS (2009, 2nd Lyceum Petroupolis)