
Hello and welcome! This site is a public aggregator and personal organizer for my research work and interests. My name is Alexios Brailas and I am a psychologist (BSc, PhD), systems thinking practitioner, and group psychotherapist. Currently I work as laboratory teaching faculty at the Department of Psychology, Panteion University, Athens, Greece. I consider myself as a Researcher-Practitioner and I realize these two dimensions as nurturing each other.
My research focuses on developing innovative research methodologies that emphasize collaboration, co-construction of knowledge, and the use of narrative and participatory methods to explore complex human systems and social phenomena. My practice often centers on how narrative, appreciative, group work, and process-oriented approaches can facilitate personal and collective growth, particularly in community and therapeutic settings. I have also explored the use of creative and multimodal tools in qualitative research to help participants express themselves and envision their desired futures.
To have an idea about what inspires me in the "fast-forward" moving networked world we all live in today, take a look at my quote blog.